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Daily Hydrometeorology for Columbia, SC

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SXUS52 KCAE 311530

Columbia Hydrologic Area Temperatures And Precipitation
National Weather Service Columbia SC
1130 AM EDT Mon Mar 31 2025

:Max...High Temperature last 24 hrs min...Low Temperature last 24 hrs
:Cur...Temperature at Observation....Pcpn...Precipitation last 24 hrs
:Evaporation in inches
:                              Air Temp             Soil Temp
:Station            SID     Max  Min  Cur  Pcpn   Max  Min  Cur  Evap
:...Northern Midlands...
:Bishopville       :BSPS1     79/  55/ 64/  0.08 ////
:Little Mountain   :LIMS1     78/  62/ 63/  0.41 ////
:Lugoff 2 NE       :LUGS1     79/  55/ 63/  0.05 ////
:Newberry WKDK     :NWYS1     78/  64/ 64/  0.44 ////
:Jefferson         :JEFS2     80/  54/ 62/  0.02 ////
:...Central Midlands...
:Batesburg         :BATS1     75/  57/ 63/  0.27 ////
:Cedar Creek       :BLYS1     77/  55/ 63/  0.05 /  60/ 60/ 60/
:Columbia Metro Apt:CAE       79/  60/ 64/  0.08 /  66/ 64/ 65/
:Hamilton Owens Apt:CUB       81/  62/ 65/  0.07 ////
:McEntire ANG      :MMT       81/  61/ 65/  0.13 ////
:Pontiac           :PTCS1     80/  58/ 63/  1.00 ////
:Shaw AFB          :SSC       82/  59/ 66/  0.14 ////
:Sandhill          :SAHS1     80/  45/ 62/     M /    /   / 64/    M
:Saluda            :SADS1     77/  56/ 65/  0.43 ////
:St. Matthews      :SMWS1     80/  56/ 64/  0.49 ////
:Sumter            :SMRS1     81/  59/ 66/     M ////
:Swansea           :SWAS1     76/  54/ 63/  0.38 ////
:...Southern Midlands...
:Bamberg           :BAMS1     76/  62/ 65/     M ////
:Manning           :MANS1     79/  63/ 65/  0.13 ////
:Orangeburg Airport:OGB       79/  56/ 65/  0.52 ////
:Salley            :SLYS1     79/  56/ 63/  0.70 ////
:...Central Savannah River Area...
:Aiken             :AKIS1     82/  47/ 63/  0.00 ////
:Augusta Regional  :AGS       78/  54/ 65/  0.39 ////
:Augusta Daniel Apt:DNL       75/  60/ 64/  0.54 ////
:Barnwell          :BNLS1     80/  56/ 64/  0.73 /  59/ 56/ 58/    M
:Graniteville      :GNTS1     78/  58/ 63/  0.48 /  65/ 61/ 64/    M
:Johnston          :JOHS1     75/  57/ 61/  0.40 ////
:Lincolnton        :LNCG1     73/  54/ 62/  0.00 ////
:McCormick         :MCCS1     73/  53/ 63/  0.21 ////
:N. Augusta        :NAGS1     76/  56/ 65/  0.77 ////
:Waynesboro        :WYNG1     78/  58/ 64/  0.04 ////
: Orangeburg Water Plant data are from midnight to midnight.
: Fairfield Pump Storage data is from midnight to midnight.
:                   NWS precipitation only stations
.BR CAE 0331 ES DH07/PPP
:Lincolnton 2       :LNCG2  0.15
:                    USGS Rain Gage stations
:Blackville Clem.   :BLVS1  0.50 , :Chesterfield       :CSFS1  0.00
:Edgefield          :EGFS1  0.29 , :Kiokee Cr. Evans   :EVNG1  0.34
:Waynesb. Girard    :GIRG1  0.24 , :Jefferson          :JEFS1  0.00
:Long Cane          :LCRS1  0.58 , :L. G. Chappells    :LGRS1  0.44
:McBee              :MBES1  0.00 , :McTier Cr. Monetta :MCTS1  0.15
:Columbia Blo Lk M. :MURS1  0.06 , :Newberry           :NEWS1  0.35
:Savannah Butler Crk:NSLG1  0.35 , :Pageland           :PAGS1  0.00
:Santee St. Pauls   :SPLS1  0.14 , :USFS near Jackson  :SRSS1  0.20
:Congaree NP RAWS   :GDNS1  0.37 , :SC Dot Saluda      :SRGS1  0.58
:        NWS precipitation only stations from midnight to midnight
.BR CAE 0331 ES DH12/PPP
:Lake Wateree       :WATS1  0.00

Previous Daily Hydrometeorologys may be found at
NWS Columbia, SC (CAE) Office Daily Hydrometeorologys.
(Click 'Previous Version' there to view past versions successively.
Some may differ only in time posted.)

San Juan, PRHonolulu, HI Lake Charles, LA Pueblo, CO Corpus Christi, TX St. Louis, MO Reno, NV Raleigh, NC  Newport/Morehead City, NC Dodge City, KS Houston/Galveston, TX San Joaquin Valley/Hanford, CA Louisville, KY Fort Worth, TX Pittsburgh, PA Austin/San Antonio, TX Sacramento, CA Jackson, MS Phoenix, AZ Northern Indiana, IN Flagstaff, AZ Tallahassee, FL Springfield, MO Riverton, WY Blacksburg, VA Sioux Falls, SD El Paso Area, NM Columbia, SC Wilmington, NC Greenville-Spartanburg, SC Eureka, CA Midland/Odessa, TX Tucson, AZ Goodland, KS Huntsville, AL Amarillo, TX Norman, OK Lubbock, TX Marquette, MI Little Rock, AR Pendleton, OR Missoula, MT Binghamton, NY Boston, MA Green Bay, WI Billings, MT Baltimore/Washington San Diego, CA Tampa Bay, FL Morristown, TN Twin Cities, MN Brownsville, TX Portland, OR Des Moines, IA Memphis, TN Pocatello, ID San Angelo, TX Jacksonville, FL Aberdeen, SD Quad Cities, IA/IL Charleston, SC New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA Peachtree City, GA Shreveport, LA Grand Rapids, MI Medford, OR Albany, NY Wichita, KS Gray/Portland, ME Spokane, WA Boise, ID Denver/Boulder, CO Great Falls, MT Caribou, ME Key West, FL Miami-South Florida, FL New York City/Upton, NY Melbourne, FL Hastings, NE Paducah, KY Glasgow, MT Bismarck, ND Charleston WV Omaha/Valley, NE Buffalo, NY Jackson, KY Kansas City/Pleasant Hill, MO Gaylord, MI Cheyenne, WY Grand Forks, ND Detroit/Pontiac, MI Central Illinois, IL Burlington, VT Salt Lake City, UT Topeka, KS Nashville, TN Milwaukee/Sullivan, WI Albuquerque, NM Las Vegas, NV Wakefield, VA La Crosse, WI Birmingham, AL Los Angeles/Oxnard, CA Chicago, IL Seattle, WA Rapid City, SD Indianapolis, IN Philadelphia/Mount Holly, PA Mobile/Pensacola State College, PA Cleveland, OH Elko, NV Wilmington, OH Grand Junction, CO North Platte, NE Tulsa, OK San Francisco/Monterey Bay Area, CA Duluth, MN Anchorage, AK Fairbanks, AK Juneau, AK Tiyan, GU

Products Courtesy of NOAA-NWS
NWS Information Parsing Script by Ken True at Saratoga Weather - WFO and Products Scripts by SE Lincoln Weather.
Mapping by Curly at Michiana Weather and by Tom at My Mishawaka Weather.